


拿督斯里翁俊民博士(Dato’ Sri Prof Dr. Tahir)是国信集团(Mayapada Group)创始人。1952年出生于印尼泗水,24岁毕业于新加坡南洋大学商学学士。35岁,他以GPA4.00的满分成绩荣获美国洛杉矶金门大学(Golden Gate)商业管理硕士。2008年,被印尼泗水八一七大学授予的名誉博士头衔。2010年5月,获颁马来西亚苏丹册封拿督斯里封号。

翁俊民是国信集团的“灵魂人物”,集团创始人、董事长、董事会主席和控股人,他的企业王国涉猎甚广,从商场、酒店、保险、航空领域、媒体等等。2010年,翁俊民收购印尼最大中文日报《国际日报》并成为主要股东,也是印尼福布斯杂志股东。在2011年,他成为Topas TV卫星付费电视控股人。

在教育领域,翁俊民现任印尼泗水Zhong Zhong Surya建校委员会董事主席和雅加达Pancasila大学董事会的副主席;美国南加州大学的大使;中国中山大学岭南学院客座教授(2011-2014)。他也是美国高等学府旧金山柏克莱大学(University of California, Berkeley)校董。


Asia’s Most Influential Cover Personalities Awards 2015:Dato’ Sri Prof Dr. Tahir

Dato’ Sri Prof Dr. Tahir is the founder of Mayapada Group. He is an Indonesian billionaire. He is also a banking and property magnate and a philanthropist.

Dr. Tahir is the immediate past president of the Indonesia Table Tennis Association.

He has set up a million-dollar trust fund at Singapore Table Tennis Association to help the national players for their tertiary education, and the philanthropic Tahir Foundation, supported by his business empire to serve the less fortunate in Indonesia, South-east-Asia and beyond in a bigger way.

He donated millions to universities at home country and abroad, including Singapore, such as NUS (Yong  Loo Sin School of Medical), SMU scholarships fund and etc.

Dr. Tahir put into partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to improve the lives of the world’s poorest by eradicating diseases such as polio.

He donated millions to universities at home country and abroad, including Singapore, such as NUS (Yong  Loo Sin School of Medical), SMU scholarships fund and etc. Two Mayapada hospitals in Jakarta provide free heart surgery for the needy.

His foundation is looking at ways to give women from provinces skills that will help them avoid being maids overseas.

He also becomes active on the philanthropy scene in Singapore, which he considers his second home.