
《时代财智》于2004年在新加坡创办发行,由Fortune Times Pte Ltd公司出版,主要在新加坡、马来西亚、印尼和香港发行。



随着在亚洲区域不断深化发展和渗透的发行渠道,《时代财智》杂志也是新中两国企业展示企业形象,谋求国内外合作的理想平台。《时代财智》也拥有在线新闻网站——时代财智网:www.FortuneTimes.sg (华文);www.NewFortuneTimes.com (英文)

Fortune Times 时代财智 was established in Singapore in 2004, and is mainly distributed in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong.

As the leading Chinese financial and lifestyle publication in Southeast Asia, Fortune Times explores the business phenomena and features current market leaders who shape their respective industries and identify new trends of tomorrow. We deepen and broaden the scope of financial coverage in Singapore, South East Asia and China, from an Asian perspective.

The profile of Fortune Times readers are mainly business owners and professionals, senior managerial personnel, sole proprietors, management of public listed companies and Billionaires/Millionaires who have businesses around the region. Increasingly, Fortune Times is also attracting a readership pool of “new immigrants”, especially those from Mainland China.

With a unique financial media platform in Chinese and wide penetration throughout its targeted readership, Fortune Times is becoming an ideal platform for the enhancement of corporate branding as well as business collaboration across Singapore, China and South East Asia.

Fortune Times has a Chinese website: www.FortuneTimes.sg and an English website www.NewFortuneTimes.com


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