

施蒂丝女士(Ms. Teresita Sy-Coson)荣获2016年亚洲顶尖企业家大奖

施蒂丝女士 (Ms. Teresita Sy-Coson)是菲律宾SM投资公司副主席。她1950年生于菲律宾。毕业于易三仓大学(Assumption University),随后进入其父施至成(Henry Sy)创立的零售企业SM集团。作为兄妹6人中的长女,深受父亲经营理念熏陶。统辖大型购物中心业务以及菲律宾资产规模最大银行BDO Unibank。其工作能力深受国内外好评,常被亚洲国家邀请演讲或参加座谈。

凭借四十多年的零售业经验,施蒂丝女士帮助集团的零售业务转型,其中包括THE SM STORE的旗舰店SM百货公司以及SM超市和其他零售业子公司组成的SM Markets。

她还通过SM Prime Holdings,Inc.密切参与集团的地产业务,她在那里担任董事会顾问。SM Prime控股有限公司是东南亚最大的综合性房地产开发商之一,涉足商场,住宅,商业建筑,休闲和旅游开发项目。

在银行业务方面,施蒂丝女士是菲律宾金融银行(BDO Unibank)的主席,菲律宾金融银行是菲律宾迄今为止在总资产,贷款,存款,资本和管理的信托基金方面都领先的银行。菲律宾金融银行最近被各种国际出版物命名为菲律宾的最佳银行。





SM在银行业的产业主要是菲律宾的领先银行菲律宾金融银行和第六大私人银行中兴银行(China Banking Corporation),这两家银行在全国拥有1400家分行。

施蒂丝女士(Ms. Teresita Sy-Coson)未克出席领奖,因而委派代表出席代领。右为印尼驻新加坡大使苏瓦查亚阁下(H.E. Ngurah Swajaya) 。

Asia Top Entrepreneur Award- Philippines 2016:Ms. Teresita Sy-Coson

Ms. Teresita Sy-Coson is the Vice Chairperson of SM Investments Corporation (SMIC), one of the Philippines’ leading groups with interests in retail, banking, and property development.

With over four decades of retail experience, Ms. Sy-Coson has helped transform the group’s retail business, which includes the flagship SM Department Stores under THE SM STORE, and SM Markets which consist of SM Supermarket and other retail affiliates.

She also works closely in the Group’s property business via SM Prime Holdings, Inc., where she sits as an Adviser to the Board of Directors. SM Prime Holdings, Inc., is one of the largest integrated property developers in Southeast Asia with interests in malls, residences, commercial buildings, leisure and tourism development.

In banking, Ms. Sy-Coson is the Chairperson of BDO Unibank (BDO), the Philippines’ leading bank to date in terms of total assets, loans, deposits, capital and trust funds under management. BDO was recently named the Best Bank in the Philippines by various international publications.     

She serves as the Vice-Chairperson of SM Foundation, Inc. (SMFI), which takes the lead in implementing a community impact template that improves the quality of life of its host communities. It makes targeted social investments in education, healthcare, livelihood and shelter to help underserved Filipinos and promotes initiatives to enhance the sustainability of the environment. 

She is currently the Philippine representative to the ASEAN Business Advisory Council.

SM Investments Corporation

SM Investments Corporation (SM) is one of the leading conglomerates in the Philippines with highly synergistic businesses in retail, banking and property development. SM is one of the more responsible companies in the country due to its progressive approach in business and its comprehensive sustainability programs for its host communities through SM Foundation and SM Cares.

SM’s retail operations enjoy a strong brand franchise consisting of THE SM STORE; a strong portfolio of leading specialty retailers including Ace Hardware, SM Appliances, Homeworld, Our Home, Toy Kingdom, Watsons and others; and its food retail chains, namely SM Supermarket, SM Hypermarket, Savemore and WalterMart stores. SM’s property arm, SM Prime Holdings, Inc., is one of the largest integrated property developers in the Philippines with interests in the mall, residential, commercial and tourism development. SM’s interests in banking are in BDO Unibank, Inc. (BDO), the country’s leading bank and in China Banking Corporation (China Bank), the sixth-largest private bank. Combined, these two banks have a network of over 1,400 branches nationwide.