2016年11月18日,《时代财智》对CDL公司副总裁(Deputy Chief Executive Officer City Developments Limited)郭益智先生(Mr Sherman Kwek)进行专访。
郭益智先生(Mr Sherman Kwek)就以下问题回答了记者:
1. What are your thoughts on winning the award? What does this mean to yourself and your company?
2. What are your visions for the future?
在当日“财富浪潮,与时俱进”的《时代财智》12周年晚宴上,CDL公司副总裁(Deputy Chief Executive Officer City Developments Limited)郭益智先生(Mr Sherman Kwek)获评亚洲顶尖企业家大奖——青年商业领袖奖(Asia Top Entrepreneurs Awards -Promising Business Leader Award 2016)
CDL公司是新加坡地产界领军企业(City Developments Limited (CDL) is a Singapore-listed international real estate operating company with a global presence spanning 94 locations in 26 countries).
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