


纵观过去一年,我们在困境中蹒跚前行,各国经济刺激政策渐显成效,全球股市均出现了不同程度反弹。然而正当我们憧憬曙光之时,近期接连出现的迪拜债务危机,希腊信用评级下降等消息又使得未来经济复苏的前景显得扑朔迷离。究竟 2010全球主要市场的走势如何?投资者又该如何布局2010年的投资市场?






•   欧美及亚洲股市展望;

•   新加坡指数成份股技术走势分析;

•   今年哪些股票值得买?

•   投资者应把投资重点放在哪些行业上? 

 •   今年龙筹股方面有哪些增长点?

•   中国政府政策如何影响新加坡股市动荡?

•   如何识别股市投资的风险信号?

•   公司监管将怎样影响股票价格?

•   散户们今年该如何投资? 



    王涛(Wang Tao曾就职美国瑞富期货公司,英国曼士新加坡公司技术分析师及瑞士银行技术分析部副董事.现为新加坡技术分析师协会会长(TASS),也是国际技术分析师联盟(IFTA 区域总监及教育委员会委员。王涛先生现为新加坡证券期货交易所的特邀讲师,受邀讲授技术分析理论及实战技法,也受邀为新加坡财经电台958城市频道及国际电视财经频道彭博社(Bloomberg TV)定期做市场分析. 

        穆瑞年(David Mu)CMC Markets首席讲师及分析师,曾任职于中国银行总行和法国巴黎银行,北京分行,拥有丰富的银行资金管理经验和金融市场实际操作经验。在金融技巧培训方面,他为众多期货公司讲授交易所期权与利率期货,股指期货交易策略等课程。现任北京人民广播电台财经频道汇市大家谈栏目特约外汇分析师,《信报》特约供稿人。 





地点:Auditorium Room@Bestway Building             

            12 Prince Edward Road,Singapore 079212






English Version

The Global Financial Tsunami ravaged the world financial systems and the world economy. The bullish run finally ended in March 2009. Everyone was wondering how the recovery would be. Will like be a V-shaped, U-shaped recover or otherwise? However in the next six months, there was a V-Shaped bullish effect that pushed the equity market up by 80%. Will the V-shaped recovery continue in 2010? What are the risks and where will they come from?  Our speakers with analytical views will highlight clear indicators of equity market’s growth/decline. Attendees will leave the event with a better understanding of the Singapore equity market in 2010. 



•Outlook of Stock Market in Europe & US

•Technical Forecast on Global Equity Indices and  Singapore Stocks

•Insights into stocks worth investing

 •Which industry sectors should be focused by investors?

•What are the potential areas of growth of S-Chips investments?

•How do the China government policies impact the Singapore stock market?

•How to spot a red flag for listed companies before it goes up?

•How to construct a profitable investment portfolio for  retail investors? 



David Mu (穆瑞年) has many years of banking experience in Beijing with institutions such as Bank of China and BNP Paribas, and has a wide knowledge of financial markets. He heads the Education team for CMC Markets in Asia (ex-Japan) and has devoted his career with CMC Markets to providing financial education and training to market participants.He has written several books on trading such as Gold Trading, Gold Futures and How to Trade Hong Kong stocks. He has also spoken at events organised by Bank of Communication, China Minsheng Bank, Dalian Commodities Exchange and many licensed Futures Brokers in Beijing.

Wang Tao(王涛)was once the Associate Director with UBS Singapore Technical Strategy Group, Vice President and Technical Analyst with MF Global (S), enjoying more than 10 years experience in technical analysis. His analysis and trading advice cover a wide scope of commodities, foreign exchanges and stock index products. He appeared on  Bloomberg  TV and  was  invited to give weekly stock market commentaries at local Radio program Capital 98.5. He is frequent lecturer with Singapore Exchange on investment courses and workshops and now serves the president positionofTechnical Analysts Society (Singapore) and Director at Large of International Federation of Technical Analysts. 

Date:           28 March 2010

Time:          1:30pm to 5:30pm

Language:  Chinese

Venue:        Auditorium Room@Bestway Building                    

                  12 Prince Edward Road,Singapore 079212

Fees:          S$18(tea/coffee included)

Contact:     63364236

E-mail     info@fortunetimes.sg