Dr Della Suan...

Dr Della Suantio:做温柔的强者


英国国宝级剧作家莎士比亚曾经说过,“弱者,你的名字是女人!”不过,在新加坡已故著名企业家、慈善家李成义博士的遗孀,本人也是慈善家的张治华医生(Dr Della Suantio)看来,今天的女性的角色更像是温柔的强者,具备水的各种属性,为流水时顺势而为,滋润万物;为坚冰时硬若磐石,万古不化;为气蕴时变化灵活,温婉美丽。她和李成义博士鹣鲽情深的爱情故事充满诗意和阳光,而他们对于慈善事业的执着之心足以让全社会景仰和佩服。今年9月,张治华医生接受了《时代丽智》的独家采访,分享了她在慈善事业和婚姻家庭,一路走来的人生感悟。



“这些女孩学得很快,也很努力。培训既是我的兴趣,也是履行我的慈善承诺的一部分,做慈善不仅仅是在经济上的给予,更多的时候是态度和行动。”本身就是医生出身的张治华,在嫁给新加坡慈善先贤李成义(Lee Seng Gee)之前,已经具备一定的专业医疗知识。




印尼有近3亿人口,但是女性的就业率和报酬远远低于男性,主要归咎于女性缺乏专业技能。张治华出生于印尼,作为李张治华基金会(D.S.Lee Foundation)创办人,她每年会赞助印尼女性来新加坡培训护理,人均赞助费用新币2.5万。因为培训的细节非常严格而琐碎,且经过她亲自手把手的教导,每年她只能招募7个学员名额。


培训并不容易,要完成两年时间的培训,在张治华看来,最大的问题是学员本身的态度。 “只是为了混个零花钱,忍受不了严格的培训和我的要求,中途而废的人大有人在。” 所以,她一定要选那些勤劳、努力、好学的女性,因为基本上,培训在时间和精力上的花费比金钱的投入更可贵。




张治华的家族十分显赫。她的爷爷,是印尼棉兰(Medan)赫赫有名的大胶商,大慈善家张尚树(Thio Siong Soe)。史料显示,张尚树原籍中国福建省南安县人,1891年出生。1907年,张尚树来到印尼的苏门答腊岛的日里棉兰谋生。张尚树从小生意做起,生活节俭,利润累积,创办福成利有限公司,从事出入口贸易,生意远达欧美各邦,近遍南洋各埠,北至中国各大商埠,终成棉兰数一数二的商场大亨,众所敬佩的南洋巨富。旗下拥有进出口贸易、胶厂、米厂、油厂和茶园。



张尚树有六个儿子,两个女儿,张治华的父亲张国富(Thio Koe Foe)排行第四。张国富在棉兰拥有最大椰子油工厂,他有着良好的中英文教育,而妻子则接受过荷兰语教育,夫妇俩育有七个子女(Tony, Della, Liana, Djoni, Ina, Eddy 和Airiaty),张治华是最大的女儿。张治华的外公Choo Taw Kiat和外婆是印尼娘惹人。这是一个有着华人传统且又融合了印尼文化的家族。

“爷爷一生追随国父孙中山(Sun Yat Sen)先生的医疗和教育救国理念,他给我取名为‘治华’,就是希望我今后能够学医救人。因为当时中国战乱不断,民不聊生,大众的医疗健康水平很差,”张治华缅怀祖父丰功伟绩时的声音充满了自豪感。




李成义1921年出生于新加坡,2016年辞世。他是新加坡著名银行家、华侨银行(OCBC)创始人李光前(Lee Kong Chian)的长子,被毛泽东誉为“华侨旗帜”的陈嘉庚(Tan Kah Kee)的外孙。他在1965年接过李氏基金(Lee Foundation)主席的棒子,是新加坡非常知名的企业慈善家和社区领袖。

在李成义的领导下,李氏基金对教育和艺术,以及众多社会福祉项目的捐赠不遗余力,比如,捐赠1.5亿新元给南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)李光前医学院、5000万新元给新加坡管理大学(Singapore Management University),6000万新元给新加坡图书馆的李光前参考图书馆等等不胜枚举;自上世纪90年代起,他对中国厦门大学的捐赠已超过两亿人民币。

李成义在公益事业上的卓越超群表现,获得无数认可。1992年,他获颁新加坡总统授予“公共服务星章”;1993年,新加坡国家福利理事会授予第一个福利团体的最高荣誉奖“余炳亮”(Ee Peng Liang)奖。2002年,他获颁新加坡国立大学的文学博士荣誉学位;2007年,他又获得瑞银(Credit Suisse)和安永(Ernst & Young)颁发的终身成就奖,以表彰他的慈善带头精神。2009年,他获得南洋理工大学颁授文学博士荣誉学位(Degree of Doctor of Letters),主持颁授仪式的是纳丹(Nathan)总统。


图:1991年,李成义与张治华在新加坡,也是世界最高的酒店Westin Stamford举办婚礼。至今,张治华把这张特别的婚礼证书悬挂在墙上,见证了这段终身不渝的爱情。





李氏基金在新加坡和东南亚区域闻名遐迩。张治华本身是一位医生,在丈夫的支持与鼓励下,她于2004年以丈夫赠送的结婚纪念礼物100万元美金,成立了“李张治华基金”(D.S. Lee Foundation),资助护士进修深造,致力于提升本地护士的素质及专业水平。目前该基金为新加坡和东南亚地区的护理和医疗保健领域提供了大力支持。







对于情感,张治华无时不刻表现出自己的率性和真诚。她和李成义之间爱情, 完全已经超脱家族背景的束缚和影响。















张治华也认为女性能够适应变革,并有聪明才智来管理变革。但更重要的是,她们应该忠于自己本人和自己的价值观。“虽然我们的社会的文化还是主要由男性主导,但如果我们比较过去,我们实际上可以看到已经有很多改变。今天,我们可以看到新加坡涌现了很多女性领导人。 一个非常好的例子是我们尊敬的总统,哈丽玛-雅各布(Halimah Yacob)阁下。”


关于张治华医生(Dr Della Suantio Lee


张治华医生是印尼华裔,印尼棉兰(Medan)知名慈善家张尚树的孙女。她和新加坡知名慈善家李氏基金会创始人李成义博士在1991年结婚。在结婚之前,她是以救人为使命的医生;结婚之后,她则把全部的精力和时间,协助丈夫管理李氏基金(The Lee Foundation)。

在丈夫的支持与鼓励下,张治华于2004年以丈夫赠送的结婚纪念礼物100万元美金,成立了“李张治华基金”(D.S. Lee Foundation),资助护士进修深造,致力于提升本地护士的素质及专业水平。该基金于2006年设立了“陈振传护士奖”,表扬工作表现杰出的助理护士,以及纪念华侨银行前主席陈振传(Tan Chin Tuan)对社会所做出的贡献。今年11月,张治华颁发了第11届“陈振传护士奖”。

2011年,“李张治华基金”对厦门大学音乐厅的建设给予了极大的支持,慷慨捐赠了37万新币,其中30万新币用于音乐厅装修,7万新币用于设立厦门大学艺术学院李成义—张治华奖学金。2012年,《李成义-张治华音乐厅》在厦门落成。2014年,张治华-李成义大厅(Della and Seng Gee Guild Hall)在新加坡国立大学命名揭幕。



Exclusive Interview with Dr Della Suantio

Gentle soul, Tenacious mind

Shakespeare once wrote, “Frailty, thy name is woman!” However, in the eyes of Dr Della Suantio, the spouse of the late Dr Lee Seng Gee, this is certainly not true. She believes that women can be as strong as men in their own quiet and gentle way – inner strength is sometimes more powerful than physical force. This November, Dr Della Suantio, the founder of the D.S. Lee Foundation, accepted an exclusive interview by Her Times, and she shared her experience in, and personal philosophy about, the journey of life, marriage, and philanthropy.

HT: What are some of the memorable times you had with the late Dr. Lee SG? Could you share those precious moments with our readers? 

Della: It is hard to pick any particular moment as our lives had always felt so special. Even ordinary moments which I shared with him are precious and memorable.

We had many memorable moments and certainly there are some significant ones. One of the most memorable was when Seng Gee held my hands and looked into my eyes while singing romantic love songs to me. Wherever we were, for instance, in the car, walking, reading, working together, singing, he would be holding my hands. His grips were very strong, as if he never wanted to let go. Those were beautiful moments ….. I shall forever cherish them to eternity.

HT: You got married in 1991, but Dr. Lee SG was quite bedridden during last 10 years. We know you spent a lot of time looking after him. Considering how else you could have spent this decade, how do you feel about your decision to marry Dr. Lee? And if you were to choose again, would you make the same decision?

Della: Without a doubt, I would do it again. Being able to support him during this period was my joy and privilege. While it has not been easy, it was my expression of love and devotion to him. In addition, as I was trained as a medical doctor, it seemed as if it was a divine arrangement for me to look after him. Things happen for a reason.

I wanted to be with him in sickness and in health, share laughter as well as tears, and stay by his side for the rest of “our lives together”. I am pleased to be able to fulfil my duty as a wife and look after him to the best that I possibly could, especially at the time he needed me the most. There is no question of regret.

HT: Dr. Lee SG was born in a big and reputable family. How did you manage the image of being ‘married to a man, married to a family’?

Della: What we have between the two of us was truly special, even it was in the context of a big family. There was joy to be in a big family but ultimately love is between two people. We understand and support each other, we cannot ask for more.

When a woman is married to a man, or a man is married to a woman, it means that GOD has added an asset to the family. Family is important.

We had very close family bonds. Though Seng Gee was not well, he was not totally bedridden except for the last year before he passed on. Hence, we celebrated his birthday, as well as Christmas and Chinese New Year every year so that our family and friends could meet up, and get together.

HT: Please share with us how you both worked so well together? How did you both compromise on differences and opinions?

Della: Mr Lee was a very gentle and reasonable man. He was very wise in managing our differences. I loved him for that and also gave in when necessary.

In marriage, having a difference of opinions can be healthy. It allows us to keep our own individuality and at the same time create room for interesting conversations. We both believe that, while it was important to speak our hearts, it was more important to listen.

HT: In Chinese culture, the common values held to be ideal for women tend to be out of date in modern society. Do you think it is possible to integrate such ideas in society today? How do you think the greater availability of education for women has impacted our success as a society?

Della: I strongly believe in education in helping to develop society and paving the way for social progress. As a result of the greater availability of education for women, women are getting more opportunities to succeed and be equal to men in any accomplishment. We need to recognise the full value of women and encourage women to step up to their place in the global community. The greater availability of education for women has indeed brought positive improvement to the success of our society today. With good education, women possess greater potential of higher income and they are able to contribute greatly to the world economy.

At the same time, not all traditional values are irrelevant or outdated today. Some common values which are held to be ideal for women in Chinese culture – such as benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, loyalty and filial piety – remain important and desirable and should be constantly promoted and inculcated in all.

HT: How do you think the image of marriage has changed in the modern days? With an increasing rate of divorces and single parents, is tradition necessary?

Della: Marriage is an important family institution – it is a sign of commitment between two people in love. It is not easy to keep a marriage together and it needs a lot of effort to do so with love and commitment.

Marriage is an evolutionary tradition that is guided by legal principles. It’s no secret that marriage is a lot different today than it was in the past. Change is inevitable, and as time progresses, each new generation of married couple has to navigate a fresh set of distinct challenges and parameters.

Having said that, every individual has their unique life experiences. While there are research findings to prove that a happy marriage leads to positive well-being and life-longevity, this does not mean that single parents are less happier than married couples.

HT: As a woman, is it difficult to manage change or uncertainty, especially in a male dominated society?

Della: I believe a woman must be adaptable and clever to manage change. But more importantly, she should be true to herself and her values.

Although our society is largely male dominated, we can actually see a lot of differences if we compare between now and then. Today, we have many women leaders in Singapore. One very good example is our dear President, Her Excellency, Madam Halimah Yacob.

Despite the challenges, a woman who accepts leadership and responsible roles usually develops strong will (tough skin) and chooses to persevere. If a woman can prove that change is good for betterment, certainly she would be able to garner support from the people around her.

To succeed, in spite of adversity, says a lot about a woman’s character and tenacity.

HT: You made a donation of S$1M on the memory anniversary of late Lee SG. Why you chose to make this donation?

Della: Mr Lee inspires me all the time to give back to the society and this is the best way to honour and remember him. This is also an expression of my gratitude to all the doctors, specialists, and healthcare personnel who took care of Dr Lee SG – the team of MOH, BME, HSA, DDR, MMD, Singhealth, Mt Elizabeth and Gleneagles and some private clinics. They were devoted and were ready to offer assistance and help 24/7.

In particular, the medical team who were with Mr Lee SG served him with utmost dedication and love. The donation was made in honour of all these committed professors and doctors. It is also recognition for those who recommended that I support LSG Appreciation Fund for Faculty Development (Medicine) and LSG Medical Bursary perpetually.

HT: You established D.S. LEE Foundation in 2004. How challenging is to manage this organization after the passing of Dr. Lee?

Della: I miss his opinion and guidance but he has taught me enough over the 25 years to allow me to manage the Foundation. I also have very clear ideas what I hope to achieve with the Foundation.

HT: What has D.S. Lee foundation achieved in past 13 years?

Della: We have given a lot to worthy causes such as nursing and healthcare. I am looking to expand our support in areas related to nurses. D.S. Lee Foundation works closely with the Ministry of Health to understand the needs of the healthcare sector. My Foundation is funded fully by my personal funds and my own company, DSLSG Investment Co. We like to support these worthy causes from the bottom of our hearts.

HT: We understand that philanthropy is to give. What is the satisfaction of giving? How challenging is it to make a decision? Is it a lonely journey?

Della: I have advisors to help me make giving decisions. But, ultimately, the decisions lie with me and I have to decide the directions of the Foundation and how best to help when others come calling.

We do not expect any reward but knowing that I can make a difference is a big achievement. This is a value I strongly share with Mr Lee. I would hope to be able to continue to give back to the society as much as I can.

At the same time, philanthropy is not about giving alone as a lone donor or benefactor. We can, and should, not be travelling alone on this journey. We all share it together.