


丹斯里谢富年博士是马来西亚双威集团(Sunway Group)主席暨创办人。作为马来西亚其中一家最具规模的企业集团,双威集团的核心发展聚焦于房地产、建筑、教育、医疗、零售、酒店行业。该集团旗下十二个业务部门覆盖全球五十个地点,员工人数高达1万6千名。

丹斯里谢富年博士也是马来西亚最大的教育社会企业——谢富年基金会(Jeffrey Cheah Foundation)的创办人和信托人。以非盈利性企业定位的谢富年基金会反映着他个人的信念,即优质的教育是根治贫困的最佳途径。截至2019年,该基金会已拨出超过4.82亿令吉作为奖学金。他的目标是要在有生之年内,实现超过10亿令吉的捐赠数额。

同时,谢富年基金会捐赠了1千万美元予联合国并在双威大学(Sunway University)成立了杰佛瑞.萨克斯教授可持续发展中心(Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development)。该中心的设立反映着谢富年长期以来对于推动可持续发展议程的承诺。

鉴于认可他在推动可持续发展这方面的承诺,联合国可持续发展解决方案网络(United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network),于今年年初委任了丹斯里谢富年博士为马来西亚分会主席。


他是马来西亚第一位荣膺新加坡亚洲新闻台(Channel NewsAsia)所颁发的“终身成就奖”得主,同时也三度荣登福布斯亚洲大慈善家排行榜。丹斯里谢富年博士也被时任澳大利亚总理陆克文授予澳大利亚荣誉勋章(Order of Australia)。

Asia’s Lifetime Achievement Award 2019

Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah is the founder and chairman of Sunway Group, one of Malaysia’s largest conglomerates with core interests in real estate, construction, education and healthcare. Its 12 business divisions operate in 50 locations in the region, supported by a staff of more than 16,000.

Tan Sri is also the founder and trustee of Malaysia’s largest education-focused social enterprise, the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation. The Foundation reflects his conviction that quality education offers the best route out of poverty and should be a not-for-profit venture.

The Foundation has disbursed more than 482 million Ringgit in scholarships as of 2019. It is Tan Sri’s goal to give out more than one billion Ringgit in his lifetime. Reflecting his life-long commitment to the sustainable development agenda, the Foundation also endowed 10 million US dollars to the United Nations to establish the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development at Sunway University.

In recognising his commitment to sustainability, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network appointed him as Chairman of its Malaysian chapter earlier this year.

Tan Sri has been conferred 10 honorary doctorates by leading universities worldwide, and is an Honorary Fellow of Cambridge and Oxford universities, as well as a member of Harvard University’s Global Advisory Council.

He is the first Malaysian recipient of the Lifetime Luminary Award by Singapore-based Channel NewsAsia, and was named three times as Forbes Asia Hero of Philanthropy. His other honours include Order of Australia conferred by the Australian Prime Minister.