

Jenny Hung代表置富产业信托出席领奖。右为印尼驻新加坡大使苏瓦查亚阁下。

置富产业信托是一家房地产投资信托基金,由置富资产管理有限公司(作为置富产业信托的管理人)与HSBC Institutional Trust Services(Singapore)Limited(作为置富产业信托的受托人)于2003年7月4日订立的信托契约(经修订)组成。




Fortune Times REITs Pinnacle Awards 2016—Best Retail REIT in Asia:Fortune REIT

Fortune REIT is a real estate investment trust constituted by a trust deed entered into on 4 July 2003 (as amended) made between ARA Asset Management (Fortune) Limited, as the manager of Fortune REIT, and HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited, as the trustee of Fortune REIT.

Fortune REIT is primarily listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and secondary listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. Fortune REIT is Asia’s first cross-border REIT and also the first REIT to hold assets in Hong Kong. Fortune REIT currently holds a portfolio of 17 private housing estate retail properties in Hong Kong comprising of 3.18 million square feet of retail space and 2,713 car parking spaces.

The Manager’s key objective is to deliver regular and stable returns to Fortune REIT’s Unitholders through proactive management of Fortune REIT’s portfolio of assets and acquiring properties that generate long term benefits to Unitholders.